How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Herd Mentality

In 2005, about 450 sheep jumped to their death, as reported by USA Today. One sheep jumped to its death. Hundreds more followed. Shocked shepherds watched as 1,500 others followed. As ridiculous as it may sound, it happens every day on Wall Street. Traders and investors don’t look before they jump. They just think every one … Continue reading “How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Herd Mentality”

How to Protect Your Nest Egg at All Times

At some point, we all want to stop working.  We just want to retire. We want to spend time with our kids, our grandkids. Unfortunately, for many of us, even the thought of being able to retire has been pushed back again and again.  And that shouldn’t happen at all. But there is one way … Continue reading “How to Protect Your Nest Egg at All Times”